Tuesday, August 25, 2009

P90X – Final Round Up

This is my first post since Friday, …been busy at home.

Sunday : Technically Sunday was a rest day and was the last day of my 13th week of my first round of P90X. I did rest but I also did some back exercises and threw in some ab exercises as well. Nothing too heavy but I was active.

P90X Round #1 was officially over. **** YAY!****

Monday : (yesterday) started my rest week. I’m told that everyone should rest for a week or two before starting another round of P90X. So, I do plan on doing just that…resting but working out some too.

On Monday, I did about 70 decline push ups, 60 chair dips and some sprints.

The sprints including warm up and cool down lasted less than 30 minutes and the additional exercises I performed throughout the day…so although it may sound like a lot of work….it really wasn’t.

I have to tell you….just completing P90X is a huge accomplishment for me. I know when I write this, it will not sound that meaningful…but to know where I was in Feb. ’09 and see where I am today….I certainly would not have believed it. And…I don’t think anyone who knew me would have guessed that this was possible either.

Tuesday : I did rest today…did not sleep well and was dragging all day…but I did finish this post!

P90X – Day 90 Pics

Goal Updates

1) Wearing 32” jeans…Done! (I can wear 30’s!!!)

2) BMI = Normal, Current Weight = 168 lbs…..Done!

I have done a good job of maintaining my weight in the upper 160’s. I have not lost any additional weight since August 10th., when I weighed 166 lbs.

3) 30 Push Ups….DONE! I actually completed 41 on Sunday!!!

Just a note, that is an increase of only 1 push up from the previous week, prior to this week, I had seen increases of 2-3 push ups each week.

4) “Beating sons in basketball”…Done!

5) Sub 7 Minute Mile - I did not reach this goal… but that will be goal #1 in my next round of P90X.

NEXT ROUND OF P90X – I am taking a week off and starting another round 8/31/09.

Take care,


1 comment:

Timothy Carter said...

You look like a changed man Steve! Living the Beachbody lifestyle with P90X has been AWESOME to you! I am so proud of how far you've come since the beginning of tackling P90X and your reasons for starting! Continued success in meeting your next fitness goals with P90X! Nothing can stop you now!

Your Coach,
Timothy Carter

Reprogram Your Genes to Burn Fat
