Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Max the Magnificent!

In doing market analysis of my page CTRs and eCPMs, I noted an incremental variance in click-thru rates on the days I have digital images of Max.

….or to put it another way, people like to see pictures of MAXIMUS!

Therefore…I bring you “Max the Magnificent”.

To the left, is Max waiting for me to fix him breakfast. Usually, a couple of days each week I clean out the refrigerator. I take out some of the food that is getting older and I add it to Max’s dogfood.


I do however, feed the spoiled dog, “older” food.

You know, food that has "some age" but doesn't yet have the bacterial levels high enough to make them visible to the naked eye. (ok, I'll leave this alone now).

Wait a minute….I think I have the pics mixed up.

I do have the pics mixed up, the first picture is actually Max performing another Yoga Relaxation Therapy Session, I get these confused!!!

The second picture (to the right) is Max waiting for breakfast. (I have to keep these organized better.)

If you look closely you can see the difference.

In the first pic, he is about to start panting from the strain of the Yoga Relaxation Therapy Session. Actually, he started panting immediately after the picture was taken.

In the pic to the right, you can clearly see that his eyes are laser focused on the food handler, he's attempting to discern any movements that might suggest a meal or snack may be forthcoming.

Then....BAM! He's "on location" and as you can see in the picture to the left, he means business.

If you look closely, you'll notice that drool has formed on the left side of his jaw, it can form quickly and in seemingly endless supplies.

BTW, I sent NASA an email about using Max's drool as a jet propulsion lubricant. The day after the email, these black helicopters started flying over my house...I wonder if it has anything to do with the email???

Enough about Max ALREADY!

I have actually lost another pound... "and another one bites the dust."

To the right is a picture of my scale this morning, 174 lbs! A NEW LOW has been reached. I really don't mind losing another pound, but I don't want to lose any more weight. I want to maintain and turn remaining fat into muscle.

I honestly feel that I am eating a “ton” of food…I eat 4-6 meals a day. Granted they are smaller meals BUT I do NOT feel hungry, when I feel hungry….I eat. I may have to eat more....

Caloric Expenditures – in addition to my P90X workouts 6 days a week, I’ve started adding in some jogging. I was hesitant at first but after talking with some folks online who do P90X and run, I’ve added it back in to my routine. One lady in particular was very helpful, she is and has done P90X as part of her marathon training...very impressive woman. She says that P90X gives her added strength and flexibility which assists with her running but it also reduces the odds of injuries.

On top of all of the benefits, I truly do enjoy running/jogging. I started out jogging …only recently could what I do be called “running”. I am sure there are “speed walkers” who have better mile times than I do…or did.

Miles Last 7 days:

Wednesday 5.6 miles (this was my “punishment” run, after eating pizza)
Saturday 5.6 miles
Sunday 1 mile
Monday 2 miles
Tuesday 5.6 miles

My plan is to maintain 15-20 miles per week but only run when my body feels like it. This is still a decent number of miles but down from the 30 - 40 miles I was running before the P90X workouts.

Until we meet again,


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