Wednesday, June 24, 2009

XXX ... maX’s p90X piX

I know I'm reaching here with the title...but as we all know, the writing in this blog isn't very good and some of you won't read unless it's a "catchy" title. :)

Just a quick note, each day I typically have a topic in mind for my blog post before I begin to write it. So I open up my word processor and usually before I have written a couple of sentences…the topic has changed.

Today is no different; my topic initially was going to be about recent studies on obesity in US. Did you know that approximately 36% of Americans are now OBESE! That will lead to ever higher healthcare costs PER PERSON not just in total spending. You see, not only will poor health affect you individually, (longevity, quality of life, increased costs etc) but it will affect the nation as a whole…..I was going to talk about that but decided not to…..instead I got side tracked. :)

Max was acting more reserved than normal this morning, as you can see by the pic and he didn’t want to talk about first.

FYI - I was going to use the word melancholy because ...I think that word is more accurate, but I thought I might lose some readers if I used it. It's just not a word used "around here". :)

Back to maX, as the morning wore on, he acted like something was bothering him but if I asked him he said, 'oh nothing, don't worry about it'. I finally figured it out...he was upset because I had posted my pics on the blog but did not post his. I had to do something...just look at him. SO, to smooth things over…here are the overdue P90X 30 day pics for Max.

Taking pictures of Max isn't easy. He doesn’t like to have his picture taken. Yet, he wants them posted…dogs…go figure…can’t live with them, can’t live without them....or is that women...?

I swear I didn’t see this in real time…did he lick is lips or is he eating a purple onion skin??

LOL! I've never seen a pic like's kind of odd looking....isn't it? Doesn't look like a dog licking his lips or nose or whatever the heck he was licking at the time.

Max thinks this is his best “side”. He tucked in his tail due to privacy issues, not to mention possible TOS violations. (terms of service…no porn in other words…)

You can’t count ribs on Max….yet. A few more Yoga Relaxation Therapies and he should be getting close.

Have a great day!


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