Friday, July 17, 2009

Health Links and Such

Health and Fitness Links

Several times a week I review health and fitness headlines to see if any of them interest me. Here are some that I found interesting or entertaining…enjoy.

1) !#$*&(@! Swearing Can Actually Increase Pain Tolerance

So now…if I swear…it’s for medicinal purposes, ok ^&%$$#! :)

2) Just in… Number Of Patients With Dementia On The Rise

3) Hey, this just came in, Number Of Patients With Dementia On The Rise (you see, I forgot that I had just typed …oh never mind)

4) Soccer Moms (and Dads) Stop Buying SPORTS DRINKS! - Cereal And Milk Is The New Sports Supplement

5) Progressive Resistance Strength Training Helps Older People In Daily Life - No age limit – anyone can benefit from resistance training.

These studies state the obvious…how can I get some of this “study” money? (I bet these were funded by the Stimulus Package…)

1) People who walk to work are healthier!!! We know walking is good…right? Then walking to work would be good…right?

2) Breaking NEWS! - Proper Fit And Use Of Walking Aids Can Prevent Fall-related Injuries In Elderly

I can’t believe it …this report came from “government researchers”.

“The study, conducted by government researchers, examined six years of emergency room records and found that the walker was associated seven times more with injury-related falls than was the cane. Physical therapists advise that these results indicate a strong need for proper fit and assessment.”

Addiction Follow Up – Coffee / Caffeine

When I wrote the blog post about addiction I felt like a hypocrite. Why? I still have an addiction that at that time I wasn’t “dealing with”…my addiction to coffee/caffeine. I am working on a post that will show the positive and negative aspects of coffee. At this point and time, it is not clear if coffee is a net good or bad drink. Just like eggs, there are good and bad aspects.

But my general thoughts are…any substance that can become addicting and have some level of control over you …can’t be good for you.

NOW IF YOU KNOW ME….you know that I drink A LOT OF COFFEE. I used to joke that a coffee IV would be a more efficient delivery system for me…the cup is a waste of time. So any attempt to quit won’t be as easy as deciding to change from Coke to Pepsi. I have attempted to quit drinking coffee in the past and each time I had severe headaches accompanied by fatigue, it just wasn’t worth it to me.

Well Wednesday….I quit drinking coffee…cold turkey. Yesterday was not an easy day but it wasn’t that bad. I did not have the severe headaches I’ve experienced in the past but I just felt fatigued, with my energy levels way down. Other than just feeling lethargic…it was ok. I was really dreading the headaches…but so far I haven’t had them.

According to what I have read, the withdrawal symptoms peak in 48 hours (right about the time I am writing this) and lasts about five days. Heck, if I can quit eating fastfoods…coffee should be a piece of cake.

P90X Update

This week has been relatively easy so far. It’s my recovery week, the workouts this week have more cardio than heavy pushing / pulling exercises. Now don’t get me wrong…the workouts aren’t easy. I have Core Synergistics today…and it is a lot of work. Steve will definitely be sweating today.

Yesterday was a “rest” day and that’s what I did…rest. I think my Coffee withdrawal had something to do with that. :)

Have a great weekend.


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