Wednesday, July 29, 2009

*We interrupt this regularly scheduled program - Steve’s Goals UPDATE!

With 24 days left in his P90X training, Steve has accomplished the 4th of his 5 goals! In an exclusive interview with this blog, here are Steve’s comments.

5 Goals

  1. Wearing 32” jeans…Done!
  2. BMI = Normal, Weight = 168.5 lbs…..Done!
  3. 30 Push Ups….completed 32 Push Ups…Done!

  4. “Beating sons in basketball”…Done!

    “Wow, just got this one last night. What can I say…beating 18-20 year olds in any sport is tough especially when you are 48 years old. Not to mention the fact that 5 months ago I was diagnosed with Diabetes, obese and taking insulin shots. Today I am medication and insulin free.

    “It was a tight match until the end with both of us having long runs. We were playing to 11, win by two. He went up on me 4-0, then the old man warmed up and I had a 6-0 run to take a 6-4 lead. He could have put it away, he was up 10-9 with the ball but I was able to score the last three baskets to win 12-10. I do credit P90X for giving me the strength and endurance to compete. He is taller and quicker but my experience and conditioning were the keys to a hard fought victory.”

    “People on this blog have read these words from me before…but it truly is exhilarating to be able to run 100% , all out sprints. It truly does get me “stoked” to compete and be competitive playing basketball, a sport I’ve participated in “on and off” for over 35 years!”

    “Is it worth “pushing play” for 90 days ......ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY!”

5) Sub 7 Minute Mile.

“I do have one goal still outstanding…running a sub 7 minute mile. IT WILL BE TOUGH to accomplish at my age but we’ll see how the last 24 days of my P90X training goes.”


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